Whether you sit on a board, investment committee or simply act as a fiduciary for a pool of investment assets, it is critical to have a process in place for meeting the commitment you have agreed to fulfill. GFP’s consulting services can assist you in formulating a pragmatic, disciplined and informative approach to fulfilling your responsibilities as a fiduciary whether you are a Non-Profit, Taxable Entity, or an Individual. Also, we stand next to you as a named fiduciary.
Yes. A good IPS will provide you a roadmap towards fulfilling the goals and objectives you have decided to employ for your pool of assets whether you are dealing with Trust Assets, Defined Contribution Assets, Defined Benefit Assets, Corporate Cash or Retail Assets. We assist you in developing a customized IPS that meets your unique set of requirements while following the “Prudent Expert” standard of oversight. A good IPS will clearly state your goals and objectives, but also make the transition to new board members or staff easier and seamless.
A critical component of your IPS is determining an appropriate mix of investments to meet the goals and objectives outlined within the document. What asset classes should you utilize? Are Alternative Investments appropriate? What level of risk should you adopt? How often should you rebalance your portfolio? What ranges of maximum and minimum constraints are appropriate? Do Monte Carlo simulations confirm your chosen allocation will meet your goals and tolerance for risk? A well-constructed asset allocation will help define and clarify these questions.
We will help you identify appropriate investment managers and vehicles for your asset allocation. Should you use Separately Managed Accounts? Is a Mutual Fund or Exchange Traded Fund more appropriate and a cost-effective choice? How does your portfolio compare to other organizations similar to your organization? We utilize several sources of institutional research like Morningstar Direct and Littman Gregory to help us develop a recommended list of investment managers for your pool of assets, and negotiate the cost of those managers on your behalf.
Regular reviews of the performance of your assets relative to your IPS goals and objectives, asset allocation, and individual manager performance are all part of the quarterly review document/monitor we provide to you as your fiduciary and consultant. We review each manager/investment relative to an appropriate style based benchmark, while also reviewing your total portfolio against a long-term Strategic Benchmark and a shorter term Policy Benchmark. We commit to a regular quarterly meeting review of all aspects related to your investment assets in addition to the goals and objectives outlined in your IPS.